Silent City

There is a saying:
“You never really die until the last person says your name.” Here we remember some of them.

Silent City On the Hill
This is the story of Jacksonville’s Cemetery, interwoven with a few moments of life for some of her residents. Rich, poor, good, or bad, each has a story to tell.

From its very first burial in October 1859, a climb up cemetery road to the Silent City in Jacksonville, Oregon has been a source of pride for the community and a sign of respect for those who’ve passed on.

What once was called “the little graveyard” is now home to over 5500 souls and is one of the oldest cemeteries in Oregon that continues to allow burials.

Proceeds benefit Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery & help restore, preserve, and educate about, this 157 year + cemetery.

Jacksonville Historic Cemetery - Jacksonville, Oregon

History Snoopin': The Girls of Summer

The Girls of Summer by Bill Miller for the Mail Tribune Monday, June 8th 2020 It simply couldn’t be true. The Girls...