22 September 2018

WAFS (Womens Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron) go to WAR!

On September 22, 1942, American women pilots go to war.

22 September 1942, New Castle AAF, Delaware.
22 September 1942, New Castle AAF, Delaware.

22 September 1942, New Castle AAF, Delaware.
Nancy Harkness Love creates the WAFS - the Womens Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron.
Nancy Harkness Love

Women pilots deliver new military aircraft from factory to various airfields and locations within the United States.

The WAFS, and the soon to be trained  women pilots, (Jackie Cochran's WASP-Women Airforce Service Pilots), will eventually fly all of the country's warplanes, including its fastest fighters and even the B-29 bomber.

Three of the original 25 WAFS will die within the next year and a half.

Cornelia Fort     21 March 1943
Cornelia Fort

Dorothy Scott      3 December 1943
Dorothy Scott

Frances Grimes  27 March 1944
Frances Grimes

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